“A healthy budgie should be alert and responsive. They are usually pretty active but also have less active periods” - Petworld
Budgies are very resilient birds. They do not usually show signs of sickness until the later stages of their illness.
For this reason, it is important to know what is normal for your budgie and when you should take action to treat an illness.

Signs of a Healthy Budgie Include
Healthy Appetite
- Budgies need a constant supply of fresh clean water. You should change your budgie's water every day to keep it free from feathers and droppings.
- Healthy Budgies usually eat in the morning. Look out for a loss of appetite as this can suggest your budgie may be unhappy or unwell.
- Add a little variety to your budgie’s diet. They can live a longer healthier life when given fresh foods to pick on. A seed-only diet can be very fattening for your little bird.
- Budgies enjoy eating fresh fruit. This will help meet your pet’s nutritional needs. Some budgie favourites include apples, pears, melon, kiwi, berries, grapes, and oranges. Fruits can provide your budgie with a source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals. Remember to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and remove all uneaten fruit after two hours.
- Budgies can also eat many kinds of vegetables and these should be uncooked to retain their nutritional value. Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, dandelions leaves, romaine lettuce, and spinach. These can contain vitamin A, which is important for a happy healthy bird. Also, your budgie will enjoy other vegetables like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potato, and squash.

- A healthy budgie should be alert and responsive. They are usually pretty active but also have less active periods.
- Several diseases affect budgie’s feet; a healthy budgie’s feet should be free of any encrustation or malformation. Also, their claws should not be too long.
Grooming - Feathers are a very important part of a healthy budgie. Look for any major loss of feathers (over normal molting. Excessive puffing of feathers and any other abnormal grooming habits. Remember Budgies spend time each day preening (cleaning) themselves to keep their feathers in order and silky smooth.
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Cere (Fleshy Part Above The Beak)
A healthy budgies cere should be waxy in appearance and free of any encrustation or blockages. Female budgies have a brown cere, whereas males have a blue one. Sometimes your budgies cere can turn a darker brownish colour for some time, but this is usually hormone-related and is not a major concern.
A budgies beak should be firm, with no cracks, and able to de-husk seeds. Both over and undergrown beaks can cause health problems. Also, monitor the feathers around your budgie’s cere and beak as this area can be susceptible to scaly face and also mites. If your budgie is breathing with his / her beak open, this can be a sign of labored breathing or even fever – if it continues consult your vet.
Runny droppings are usually a sign of a poor diet. Healthy droppings will be firm and harden fairly quickly.
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