Solutions for Overweight Dogs


Solutions for Overweight Dogs

Obesity is on the rise for canines.

The reasons for this increase are similar to those that cause overweight in humans – too much food and too little exercise.

Studies reveal that 25% of overweight dogs experience severe joint problems.

This affects their daily activities, such as walking, standing, and sitting.

It also increases pain and makes jumping up or down on the sofa difficult.

Dogs that are overweight have a shorter life span and a lower quality of life.

However, there are several things that pet owners can do to help their animals shed pounds and live a longer, happier life.

Solutions For Over Weight Dogs

Decide if your dog is overweight by checking their ribs.

The ribs should be invisible as they stand, but still detectable when you touch them, or when they move (such as jumping in the air to catch a frisbee).

If you cannot feel your dog’s ribs, they are probably overweight.

Your vet can also help you decide if your dog is overweight and why.

In some cases, weight issues might be due to medical conditions – such as thyroid problems – not overeating and under-exercising.

Tips And Tricks On Solutions To Your Over Weight Dog

One reason dogs overeat is that pet owners use food as an easy way to show their affection.

It is not recommended to do this. Using food as a means of reward trains your dog to seek food for affection.

Habits are hard to break, so here are a few tips to help you. ·

Do not leave food out all day. Set a schedule and a location to eat.

One meal per day (or two small ones) is all that a dog needs.

Complete dry dog food is good, as most will give you a recommended daily amount for your dog.

If they beg at the table and someone gives them food, they learn that begging results in getting fed.

To help change this, keep them in another room while you have dinner. After dinner, take them out for a walk so they still feel loved.

Over Weight Dogs

When it comes to increasing your dog’s activity levels, start slowly, for just a few minutes, a couple of times a day.

This will be sufficient at first, and then you can slowly increase their activity. Encourage your dog to move around the house with you.

If you take your dog out for a hard run to get him “in shape”, it might do more harm than good, especially when no exercise has been implemented in his routine before.

A nice leisurely walk is sufficient each day, and then a couple of times a day, as directed by your vet.

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Loving your pet is doing what is best for them.

Increasing their activity, reducing their treats and no more table scraps will help them become their ideal weight.

Your dog will move easier and breathe lighter, and you can sleep better knowing their health is on the right track.

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What Food Should I Feed My Overweight Dog?

Check out our dry dog food range, 'Nice N Natural Pure' some of which is specially formulated especially for our four-legged friends who need to watch what they eat!

Correct diet affects every aspect of your dog’s health – including weight, mobility, coat health, dental health, and energy levels.

A good diet combined with the correct level of exercise will give your dog the best chance of a longer, healthier, happier life.

Shop Popular Nice N Natural Pure

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