How To: Clean Your Pets Teeth


How To: Clean Your Pets Teeth

Let's admit it, pets are like a member of our family!

And, like any family member, they need to be cared for, looked after, and given some TLC.

This involves cleaning their teeth and looking after their dental hygiene.

In this post, we will talk you through why you should and how you can clean your pet's teeth.

"Your pet needs correct dental hygiene to maximize the quality and quantity of their life." -Petworld

How To Clean Your Pets Teeth

Why Should You Clean Your Pet's Teeth?

  • Believe it or not, dental hygiene is just as important for our furry friends as it is for us.
  • Moreover, properly cared for teeth support a pet's overall holistic wellness and happiness.
  • Dental problems are common in small animals.
  • It is estimated that 85% of dogs and cats suffer from periodontal disease by three years of age.
  • Dental problems are extremely painful for our beloved pets.
  • Dental problems lead to other serious health problems.

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How Should You Clean Your Pet's Teeth?

  1. The easiest way to stay on top of your pet's dental hygiene is by brushing their teeth every day.
  2. Thankfully, if you follow the tips below, the process can be easy.
  3. Firstly, begin to brush your pet's teeth at an early age.
  4. Secondly, give your pet time to become familiar with the process.
  5. Start by getting your pet used to you being around their mouth.
  6. Then, use a soft cloth to clean their teeth, gently rubbing in a circular motion.
  7. Next, introduce a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  8. Once familiar with a toothbrush, clean their teeth from front to back, in a side-to-side motion.
  9. Build up the time spent daily until you spend 45 seconds in each half of the mouth.
  10. Again, it is essential to brush your pet's teeth daily. Plaque that isn’t cleaned within 24-48 hours will become tartar, which is more difficult to remove.
  11. Finally, praise and reward your pet throughout the process. Soon, they will enjoy the experience!

Note: Human toothpaste should never be used as it is poisonous to pets.

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