How to Rid Your Dog of Fleas


How to Rid Your Dog of Fleas

Fleas are a common scourge for any dog owner, and while they may appear to be just a nuisance, they can and will have serious consequences for your dog if left untreated. Follow the easy steps outlined below to get rid of fleas and keep them gone for good.


If you notice your dog constantly grooming or scratching itself, or if bald spots and scabs appear on its body, then it may be wise to check for fleas. Fleas are small black insects that can often be seen hopping around the fur of an animal. Another indication that your dog may have fleas is the black flea droppings left on the skin (which look like pepper flakes).

Treat Your House

If you discover that your dog has fleas the first thing you must do is check the house. Check all the common places your dog sits or sleeps. Also be sure to check the carpets and rugs, bedspreads, and sheets. Everywhere you find fleas must be treated immediately. Vacuum all carpets and upholstery, then treat it with a carpet cleaner that kills fleas, such as Bob Martin Home Flea Spray.

Treat Your Dog

Next, it’s time to help your pooch! Petworld recommends using a “mild-on-the-skin” but “tough-on-the-fleas” shampoo, such as Johnsons Dog Flea Cleansing Shampoo. This formula is gentle but effective at removing fleas and ticks while not further irritating any of the bites on your dog’s skin. We also stock a wide range of flea sprays and powders that can be used both on your pet and around your house.

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Prevention From Further Attacks

Once the fleas have gone it is hugely important to prevent them from returning. We recommend either buying a flea-preventative collar or the more popular “flea-drop” method. This is where drops of flea-repelling treatment can be placed on the back of the neck to prevent fleas from returning to your dog. Our Beaphar spot-on-drops for Dogs flea treatment also prevents the infestations of tapeworm, which can occur in a dog or puppy if fleas are swallowed.

Constant Awareness

It is highly important to be on the lookout for fleas constantly, as if they are left on the skin for too long they can cause serious illnesses in the dog such as infected sores, and tapeworm (as mentioned above), and even anemia! If you notice your dog has fleas, be sure to buy treatment immediately. Ask for advice in any Petworld store if you’re unsure which method would be best for your pet.

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