How & When to Give Your Dog Treats


How & When to Give Your Dog Treats

Giving your pet a little something special from time to time isn’t going to do him any harm and can be useful during training, or when you’re trying to keep him occupied while he’s home alone.

Below are useful bits of information to keep in mind.

Giving Your Dog Treats

Top Tips On Giving Your Dog Treats

Everything in moderation

Treats, whether store-bought or from your dinner plate, don’t make a good diet for your pet.

Treats don’t have to meet the same high requirements as their food (which is why they are treats!), but if you’re giving your dog too many, you may be throwing complete and balanced nutrition out the door.

Excessive treats only hurt your canine companion.

Consider swapping out their usual biscuit bones with some healthier options.

Our Arden Grange Crunchy Bites are very healthy compared to many of the other treats out there.

Tips On Giving Your Dog Treats

Avoid some foods entirely

Some human foods, such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, and onions are toxic to dogs.

Food that’s heavily spiced or fatty can upset your dog’s digestion, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, or even a life-threatening ailment such as pancreatitis.

Guide To Giving Your Dog Treats

Think before you treat

If you give your dog treats from your plate, you can’t complain that he’s a pest at mealtime.

Give your dog a treat if he does something good during training, or when he obeys your commands (to stop barking, etc.)

If you’re going to give your dog a lot of treats (for training purposes), we suggest Coachies Training Dog Treats.

This tub of small dog treats will allow you to give your dog more treats than normal because of their small size.

What Treats Should I Be Giving My Dog

Train to treat

You must train your dog how to take treats properly.

This is to prevent your dog from nipping fingers and hands when they’re excited about being rewarded.

If you teach your dog to be patient when getting a treat, it will be a lot easier to reward him.

Shop Popular Dog Treats

Home alone

Treats can help your dog cope with being home alone.

To make sure you’re not “over-treating your pet when you leave, Petworld recommends that you purchase a toy from our Kong range.

These toys allow you to stuff treats or food inside them, which will keep your pooch entertained for hours!

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