Travel Tips | Travelling With A Dog Or Cat


Travel Tips | Travelling With A Dog Or Cat

It's the start of summer which means the holiday season should be starting - however, the pandemic has meant that the only trips we'll be taking right now are within our county.

This doesn't mean we can't make the most of it!

A staycation is a great way of exploring Ireland and seeing the beauty of your own country.

But what do you do with your beloved pets while you travel? One option is to bring them with you. Here, we share our tips for traveling with pets - near and far.

Traveling With Your Cat And Dog

Traveling Tips For Your Pet


Dogs must be secured when traveling, it's the law!

If they aren't secured whilst traveling they are at risk of distracting the driver or causing excess injury (should an accident occur).

They are two main ways to secure your dog whilst traveling: a crate or a seat belt restraint.


If your dog is small or medium-sized, then a crate is ideal for you.

Your car needs to be spacious - most people using crates use them in hatchback cars, large people carriers, SUVs, etc.

You need to secure the crate in the car, in a visible location, so you can monitor your dog while driving.

Seat Belt Restraint

If you opt to use a seat belt clip, it must be used in conjunction with a dog harness (not a collar!) This reduces the risk of an injury, should an accident occur.


Your dog may be a nervous or hyperactive traveler.

This can result in an anxious or agitated drive for both you and your pooch.

There are a few ways to reduce this, outlined below: Serene-Um Calming Tablets - they are natural, nonsedating tablets that reduce stress and anxiety, without making your dog drowsy.

How To Travel With Your Cat And Dog

Adaptil 'Dap' Collar

This is put on just like any dog collar.

It works by releasing a pheromone that replicates the scent a mother dog emits to their puppies during nursing.

It gives a sense of security and comfort, reducing anxiety and stress.

Adaptil 'Dap' Spray - the spray works in the same way as the collar. Simply spray the crate, carrier, or the section of the car your dog will be in, 15 minutes before travel.

If traveling over a long distance it is important to keep in mind that your dog may become restless.

If they need a break to stretch their legs, find a safe place to pull over, and always have your dog on a leash to avoid accidents.

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A travel water bottle is ideal for trips with your pooch. It folds up neatly and is easy for your dog to drink from.

Safety Tip!

Dogs overheat a lot quicker than humans (they only have sweat glands in their paws and rely on panting to help cool them down).

For this reason, you should never leave your dog alone in a car, even if you leave a window open.

If a dog is left in a car it could result in a heat stroke, a heart attack, or even death.

Top Tips On Traveling With Your Pet


Cats must also be secured whilst traveling.

If you fail to do so, you are putting the cat and the passengers in the car at risk.

The process of traveling with cats is almost identical to traveling with dogs.

One of the major differences in the use of travel carriers.

Travel Carriers

Cats feel more secure in smaller spaces.

Travel carriers are less exposed than a crate, hence they are the preferred method of transportation for cats.

Cats can also experience stress and anxiety whilst traveling.

To combat this you can use:

Feliway spray - cats rub their cheeks against an object in the home to mark their territory.

This action releases a pheromone that relaxes and reassures them.

The Feliway spray replicates this pheromone. Use this spray 15 minutes before putting the cat into the carrier.

Serene-Um Calming Tablets - can also be used on cats, for a similar result.

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If you have more questions, reach out to our nearest petworld store or call us now